Evaluation & the Health Professions provides health-related professionals with state-of-the-art methodological, measurement, and statistical tools for conceptualizing the etiology of health promotion and problems, and developing, implementing, and evaluating health programs, teaching and training services, and products that pertain to a myriad of health dimensions. It is designed to provide a forum for keeping health professionals abreast of the latest technological advances in evaluation research methods through practitioner friendly articles, as well as provide the results of important evaluations. Further, the Journal is designed to provide a forum for debate of timely evaluation issues in health research and evaluation.
Steve Sussman, University of Southern California
GMS Journal for Medical Education (GMS J Med Educ) – vormals GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung – veröffentlicht wissenschaftliche Artikel aus dem gesamten Bereich der Aus-, Weiter und Fortbildung in Humanmedizin, Zahnmedizin, Tiermedizin, Pharmazie und den Gesundheitsberufen. Eingereicht werden können Forschungs- und Übersichtsarbeiten, Projektberichte, Kurzbeiträge sowie Diskussionsbeiträge und Kommentare. Beiträge können in deutscher oder englischer Sprache eingereicht werden. Die Beiträge werden in die jeweils andere Sprache übersetzt. GMS Journal for Medical Education erscheint als frei zugängliche Open-Access-Zeitschrift regelmäßig in mindestens vier Ausgaben pro Jahr.
Prof. Dr. med. Martin Fischer, MME (Bern)Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität MünchenInstitut für Didaktik und Ausbildungsforschung in der Medizin
Innovations in Education and Teaching International (IETI), is the journal of the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) www.seda.ac.uk. As such, contributions to the Journal should reflect SEDA’s aim to promote innovation and good practice in higher education through staff and educational development and subject-related practices. Contributions are welcomed on any aspect of promoting and supporting educational change in higher and other post-school education, with an emphasis on research, experience, scholarship and evaluation, rather than mere description of practice. Educational development – also described as academic, faculty, staff or instructional development in some contexts – is taken to mean the activities engaged in by staff in specialist units, academic staff in departments, academic leaders and managers, those involved with quality enhancement initiatives, and others with an interest in educational change, to bring about improvements in, and a better understanding of, policy and practices of learning, teaching, assessment and curriculum development. Contributors should remember the international nature of the Journal’s readership and both contextualise and consider the transferability of the practices and theories being examined.
Gina Wisker – University of Brighton, UK
The nature of IJME is to attract submissions from medical educators across the world. Research papers, review articles, short communications, perspectives and letter to the editor will be accepted. In addition, we would welcome medical educational research carried out for the purposes of Masters or PhD degrees. There is no restriction on the number of words that can be used.IJME is a primary source for academics and professionals in the expanding fields of medical and clinical education across the world. The nature of IJME is to attract submissions from medical educators across the world.
Dr Mohsen Tavakol, UK
An international, peer reviewed, open access journal that aims to present and publish research on Medical Education covering medical, dental, nursing, and allied health care professional education. The journal covers undergraduate education, postgraduate training, and continuing medical education including emerging trends and innovative models linking education, research, and health care services. The main focuses are curriculum development, teaching methodology, student assessment, curriculum evaluation, career planning, teachers’ training, and continuing professional development. Advances in Medical Education and Practice is published as a peer reviewed, open access journal to provide information on education and research to be immediately available to learners, educators, practitioners, policymakers and other stakeholders who can access and utilize the evidences to improve the quality of education and services.
Dr Anwarul Azim Majumder Clinical Sciences, University of Bradford, United Kingdom